I am offering service as an vfx artist and motion graphics designer for feature films.
What I do
Vfx compositing for Cinema and TV
Motion Design
On Air Design
Corporate Design.
What I use
Nuke (6.1)
After Effects (CS6)
Adobe Photoshop (CS6)
Premiere Pro (CS6)
Illustrator (CS6)
Final Cut Pro, Motion and Illution.
My curriculum vitae and contact data can be downloaded here:
Barbara Keydel - Curriculum Vitae.
Screenshots of some examples of my latest works.
As a freelancer I am offering services in the field of web design and web representations for private and commercial customers. Concept, color and design are my favorite tools.
What I do
Concept and Flowchart
Website and Newsletter Design
Content Management Systems (CMS)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Graphic Design
What I use
Dreamweaver (CS6)
Joomla 2.5
Html5, CSS3, w3c-Conform
Eclipse PHP Development Tools
Portfolios of some works
Oliver Pötzsch is a German writer and filmmaker. Author of The Hangman's Daughter
Barbara Decker is a Goldsmith in Munich. She designs or modifies jewellery to suit the Customers needs.
Music-Duo Piano und Saxophon.Swing and Jazz in Munich for all kinds Of celebrations.
Some screenshots of my work: 3d-Visualizations, graphic designs, illustrations and sketches.
As a a freelancer I am offering services in the motion pictures and film industry.
I am focused on motion graphics, web and visual effects for visual communication solutions for motion picture, web and print media, especially in the filed of the commercial, broadcast television and movie industry.
Production environment in the following fields
* Composting and Post Production
* Motion Design
* On Air design
* Corporate design
* Web design
E.D.I. Effetti Digitali Italiani, Milan - Italy
Videa, Via Giordano Bruno 23, 00100 Rome - Italy
Velocita della Luce - Movie 2007 A.L.B.A. Production
Gente di Mare 2 - Serial TV 2007 RAI Production, Italy
Caccia Segreta - Movie TV 2007 RAI Production, Italy
Uno mattina - TV Report/News, Rai 1 TV BROADCAST 2006, Italy
Viva Franconi - Movie 2005 Cinemart Production, Italy
Ente Nazionale Rai, Rome - Italy
Technicolor S.p.a, Rome - Italy
S.r.l. Sopramaresotto Architecture Provider Service, Milan - Italy
Web Design Oliver Peotzsch Author, Bayern TV Munich - Germany
Web Design Barbara Decker Jewel Designer, Munich - Germany
Web Design Barpiano Duo&Jazz, Munich - Germany
Web Design Elgeneral Sound music, Munich - Germany
Tor Vergata University Rome - Italy
C.E.S.I. S.r.l. Rome - Italy
Consolidated knowledge in a real production environment of the following software:
The Foundry's NUKEX
Shake 4
Adobe CS6
( After Effects, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Illustrator)
Good knowledge in a real production environment of the following software:
Boujou 3 Illution Motion Final Cut Pro Quark Express
Knowledge in various fields
Maya: 3D export, camera matching, modeling, texturing, basic animation and setup, multipass render setup Pipeline and rendering Render management of QMaster and Muster pipeline for Shake, Maya.
Operating systems
Mac OSX, Windows and Linux QPuntu.
Other skills and competences
Flash - basical animation and screen layout
Good in Html5, CSS3, Js, CMS (Joomla 2.5), Mysql and Php
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